Monday, December 31, 2012

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists

The pop art movement that began in the 1950s was governed by the creative thinking of many pop art artists. Together forming the Independent Group, these artists went against the high brow culture of art to make it more accessible to the masses. In this article, we introduce to the ten most famous names in the world of pop. While there have been many pop art artists who have added impetus to the movement, time after time, these names are important for they introduced fresh styles and increased the reach and acceptance levels of this art form.

Andy Warhol: Any discussion on pop art is incomplete without the mention of this iconic artist. A major player in the movement, he instilled life into dull soup cans and painted portraits in the vivid colours of his imagination.

Roy Lichtenstein: While early comic art was about characters like Mickey Mouse, Phantom and Mandrake, this icon, took comic arts to photos also. He created unusual comic style portraits, which made him immortal. Even today people vie to create pop art with comic images, a trend that is fast catching on.

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists

Blek le Rat: While few know him by this name, many are well versed with his graffiti art. Predominant on many walls, the graffiti style was founded by Blek le Rat. Known to be the 'father of the stencil graffiti', this Paris based pop art artist painted about social issues at public places. Even today graffiti is famous, both on public spaces as well as on canvas.

Banksy: Talk about street arts, and you talk about Banksy. One of the pioneers in the world of street art, this British based artist promoted satirical street art and dark humor. Seldom seen in person, Banksy's work spoke a great deal on his political ideas.

Richard Hamilton: Richard Hamilton was a collage artist and painter based in Britain. He is associated with coining of the term 'pop art' and is known to have created some of the early works in this movement.

Jasper Johns: Contributing mainly to the areas of painting and printmaking, this great artist, from America is often described as a neo-dadaist, more than anything else. His works showed the early signs of the pop art movement and gave way to many future works. His artistic use of classical iconography and inclusion of novel mediums were other key aspects that made this artist's work stand apart.

James Rosenquist: This American protagonist brought freshness to the world or art, when he introduced sign painting techniques to large-scale pop culture paintings. Usage of recognizable objects, advertising elements along with fine art, made him an important element of the movement.

Pixnit: This Boston based artist is an important yet elusive element of the street arts. Her painting style, distinct stenciling techniques and her methods of simultaneously beautifying and criticizing the social scenario was well noted in her works. She was also perhaps one of the very few female artists who took on to graffiti art, which she excelled in.

Billy Apple: Associated with both the British and American schools of popart, this artist worked with greats like Andy Warhol. He was also an important member of the conceptual art movement that happened at the same time.

Tom Wesselmann: This American pop artist worked in the areas of painting, collage and sculpture and was an important part of the movement. A notable aspect about him was that he never liked to be included as an American pop artist, calling his work more of an aesthetic use of daily objects.

These are just a few of the thousands of names that made up the pop revolution. Over the years, various unnamed artists have taken up and diversified the art style to add new elements to it. Being relevant with current times while bringing images to life, pop artists have made new visions possible.

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists
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Ronan Le Breton is a Bali based professional pop art artist, who also manages operations of a pop art studio. Various artists work together to create pop art impressions. Works are on display at

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