Monday, December 31, 2012

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists

The pop art movement that began in the 1950s was governed by the creative thinking of many pop art artists. Together forming the Independent Group, these artists went against the high brow culture of art to make it more accessible to the masses. In this article, we introduce to the ten most famous names in the world of pop. While there have been many pop art artists who have added impetus to the movement, time after time, these names are important for they introduced fresh styles and increased the reach and acceptance levels of this art form.

Andy Warhol: Any discussion on pop art is incomplete without the mention of this iconic artist. A major player in the movement, he instilled life into dull soup cans and painted portraits in the vivid colours of his imagination.

Roy Lichtenstein: While early comic art was about characters like Mickey Mouse, Phantom and Mandrake, this icon, took comic arts to photos also. He created unusual comic style portraits, which made him immortal. Even today people vie to create pop art with comic images, a trend that is fast catching on.

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists

Blek le Rat: While few know him by this name, many are well versed with his graffiti art. Predominant on many walls, the graffiti style was founded by Blek le Rat. Known to be the 'father of the stencil graffiti', this Paris based pop art artist painted about social issues at public places. Even today graffiti is famous, both on public spaces as well as on canvas.

Banksy: Talk about street arts, and you talk about Banksy. One of the pioneers in the world of street art, this British based artist promoted satirical street art and dark humor. Seldom seen in person, Banksy's work spoke a great deal on his political ideas.

Richard Hamilton: Richard Hamilton was a collage artist and painter based in Britain. He is associated with coining of the term 'pop art' and is known to have created some of the early works in this movement.

Jasper Johns: Contributing mainly to the areas of painting and printmaking, this great artist, from America is often described as a neo-dadaist, more than anything else. His works showed the early signs of the pop art movement and gave way to many future works. His artistic use of classical iconography and inclusion of novel mediums were other key aspects that made this artist's work stand apart.

James Rosenquist: This American protagonist brought freshness to the world or art, when he introduced sign painting techniques to large-scale pop culture paintings. Usage of recognizable objects, advertising elements along with fine art, made him an important element of the movement.

Pixnit: This Boston based artist is an important yet elusive element of the street arts. Her painting style, distinct stenciling techniques and her methods of simultaneously beautifying and criticizing the social scenario was well noted in her works. She was also perhaps one of the very few female artists who took on to graffiti art, which she excelled in.

Billy Apple: Associated with both the British and American schools of popart, this artist worked with greats like Andy Warhol. He was also an important member of the conceptual art movement that happened at the same time.

Tom Wesselmann: This American pop artist worked in the areas of painting, collage and sculpture and was an important part of the movement. A notable aspect about him was that he never liked to be included as an American pop artist, calling his work more of an aesthetic use of daily objects.

These are just a few of the thousands of names that made up the pop revolution. Over the years, various unnamed artists have taken up and diversified the art style to add new elements to it. Being relevant with current times while bringing images to life, pop artists have made new visions possible.

Ten Famous Pop Art Artists
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Ronan Le Breton is a Bali based professional pop art artist, who also manages operations of a pop art studio. Various artists work together to create pop art impressions. Works are on display at

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Tattoo Art - Does Your Tattoo Have a Hidden Meaning Which Can Trip You Up?

A tattoo is a tattoo is a tattoo, right? Not true if your tattoo art is based on some kind of symbol. For example, you may think that a double lightning bolt looks pretty cool. So do I, actually. But in some places, this double lightning bolt is the symbol for white supremacists. This is one tattoo you do not want to show off in a black ghetto. Another example would be the swastika. Before Adolf Hitler and his Nazis stole it, the swastika actually meant good things to Native Americans (or Red Indians to people of my generation). In the East, the swastika is actually the symbol of Buddhism, one of the most peaceful religions on this planet.

So, how do you find out if your tattoo has some kind of hidden meaning? First, you need to classify your tattoo design:

Flower Zodiac Celtic Animal, Bird, Fish, etc Nautical Tribal Chinese/Japanese words Others

Tattoo Art - Does Your Tattoo Have a Hidden Meaning Which Can Trip You Up?

After that, just look up an appropriate reference book in your local library or on the internet. For example, if you type in "meaning of flowers" into Google, you can get references to what flowers normally mean. One of these websites says that marigold means "cruelty, grief or jealousy". Probably not a tattoo you want to get to celebrate your new girlfriend or marriage.

Of course, Chinese and Japanese words are not so easily researched. Unless you know a native Chinese or Japanese speaker, you should give these a miss. For example, there are 2 forms of Chinese words, old Chinese and new Chinese. Old Chinese is still used in Taiwan, and by many overseas Chinese. New Chinese is used in China, and is increasingly superseding old Chinese in Singapore and Hong Kong. Additionally, old Chinese words have slightly different meanings depending on which dialect of Chinese you are speaking. Beyond the basic meanings, the same word in the mainstream Mandarin dialect (used as the standard dialect in China) could have additional meanings in Cantonese (the original main dialect in Hong Kong), or Hokkien, or Hakka (other dialects used by overseas Chinese).

Animal and bird symbols are considered significant by both psychoanalysts and astrologists/fortune-tellers. When I typed "animal symbols in dreams", I found over 800,000 references. Among the more fascinating things I found out:

Gold koi fish represents wealth White and red koi fish represents love Tiger represents power and energy Coyote represents ingenuity and resourcefulness as well as playfulness

If your tattoo design is more abstract, you could look up the Anti-Defamation League's website. They have a pretty comprehensive list of hate symbols used by extremist groups. I found the swastika and double lightning bolt on their website. If you think the viewpoint of the Anti-Defamation League is too Jewish, you can also Google for "racist symbols". But I have to warn you that their website is well-regarded, and appears on the first page of search results.

Some of you may prefer a printed reference, with all the information you want in one place. Terisa Green's "The Tattoo Encyclopedia : A Guide to Choosing Your Tattoo" (ISBN-13: 978-0743223294) is a good and cheap reference book. She organizes the most common tattoo symbols into alphabetical order, and has 800 tattoo images in her book. I found the paperback version of her book on Amazon for only .

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A tattoo membership site like TattooMeNow is a good place to look for tattoo designs. Click here to find out how TattooMeNow can help you find your perfect tattoo art.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

How Much Is My Art Work Worth and How to Find Out the Value of Works of Art

An easy way to determine the value of your art work is to try to sell it on eBay however that often depends on how you present it for sale. In all marketplaces there is the importance of presentation and circumstance in determining price. An art gallery can get more money for artwork than a thrift store for example.

Just putting a piece of art on the market is not the best way to achieve the highest price. You are better off having some prior knowledge of its value before releasing it to be sold. Auctions are often limited in scope, some are rigged, art galleries take a fifty percent cut, eBay is a madhouse, you name it each market has its share of unknowns.

We often think that we have an invaluable piece of work and are incredulous when someone tells us that in fact it is worthless. We always hope to have a hidden Picasso. The art world could surely need a good dose of modesty. This applies to the seller and the buyer.

How Much Is My Art Work Worth and How to Find Out the Value of Works of Art

As international art dealers ourselves we use a variety of mechanisms to determine price. Our objective could be to always make a immense profit by buying low and selling high, but that would be very short sighted. We have found that attaining a fair price during the buying stage and selling stage is what matters most to us. So if you have spent 30 hours painting a landscape you should expect it to be worth your while, but it is best to sell several in the future at a reasonable price than just waiting for a single sale in the distant future.

If you are the owner of a piece of art and have no idea of its value, you should start to educate yourself by reading the biographies of the artist, researching their exhibits, visit any website that is dedicated to that artist, search for art sales catalogs that contain artwork from your artist. Basically have fun exploring and discovering what is known about your artist. The more you know about them the better you can represent them when you wish to sell the piece of art or if not selling you will gain an even greater appreciation for your piece art.

There are also some very useful search engines that will help you determine a general idea of the value of the works of some artists. We like to use the search engines and You have to pay to use their services but they list over 400 000 artists and the results from their art work sold at auction. A real goldmine if yo focus is just on price. This is quite useful if you have several piece of artwork from a variety of artists. Artprice and Artnet's focus is mostly on paintings and prints.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hot and Sexy Foot Tattoo Designs For Women - The Best in Feminine Tattoo Designs For Girls

Your foot is a very popular place to get a tattoo.  Have you been considering or looking for a suitable foot tattoo design?  Maybe you want one that is feminine and sexy and maybe a cute girly tattoo design?  Well the possibilities are limitless and you can find a lot of designs to easily come up with something unique and special to you.  This article will help show you how.

Foot Tattoo Designs

When you start looking for a foot tattoo design you are really not limited in any way other then size.  Since the foot area is not a really big canvas you do need to keep your design on the smaller side.  Often tattoos can be sized pretty well to fit a certain area.  However the adjustments to the size should not be big changes.  In other words you do not want to go from a really big intricate tattoo to a small one as it could easily become a blob of ink.  So as you are looking for tattoo designs try to find things that are smaller by nature.  Even if you find a big tattoo design that you are really drawn to you can often take a piece of the design and make it into a small foot tattoo.  Here are some ideas for foot tattoo designs that often work very well for the cute feminine look.

Hot and Sexy Foot Tattoo Designs For Women - The Best in Feminine Tattoo Designs For Girls

Flower Tattoo Designs

Flowers always work well for female tattoo designs.  Of course most flowers have some kind of meaning and significance behind them so you will want to research and know the meaning and symbolism behind the flower that you get before it is tattooed to your foot.  However, if you have a favorite flower then that might be the exact design that you want so go for it.  Since the shape of the top of a foot is pretty square a flower in bloom looking down from the top often works well.  Then a subtle background with some leaves or water can be done behind the flower.

Angel Tattoo Designs

Angels always work well as feminine tattoo designs also.  Since the space on the top of the foot is limited this is not the area for a huge group of angles but maybe one or two angels can work really well here.  Angels often symbolize protection and show the spiritual side of a person.  You might want to consider the type of angel you want as there are many different styles.  You could go with a realistic looking angel, a cartoon angel, a guardian angel or even a cherub.

Fairies Tattoo Designs

Fairies are another very popular option for a sexy foot tattoo that women often seem drawn to.  Of course the fairy could be posed and done in a lot of different ways.  So you will want to consider what you want your tattoo to express about yourself.  For example if you are the type of person who loves to be outdoors and in nature then you might want a nature fairy with a green dress and flowers in her hair.  If you are more the type of person who wants to show off your sexy side then you might want to find a fairy that is drawn in a sexy way.  Really a fairy can be drawn in hundreds of different ways they could be shy, bashful, conceited, sexy, beautiful or whatever emotions you want to express.

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These are just three of the possible foot tattoo designs [] that you might want to consider. Remember to first gather all of your ideas and really nail down what type of foot tattoo you desire. Then work with a professional tattoo artist to draw up the design or find a suitable design online. Either way if you spend the time and consider what you want the tattoo to express about yourself you are sure to fall in love with your sexy foot tattoo design [].

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Year of the Water Snake 2013-14: Fortunes of the Rabbit/Hare

Your birth year, the Chinese Zodiac's fourth Sign 'lucky' Rabbit? If you were 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 (and so-on in 12-year increments) between 3rd February 2011 and 23rd January 2012 (Rabbit/Hare Year's end) know of a baby born during this period or have partners, friends, relatives, colleagues parents or children in this category, this article is for you!

The Rabbit/Hare

Years of the RABBIT/HARE:

Year of the Water Snake 2013-14: Fortunes of the Rabbit/Hare

1903 Water; 1915 Wood; 1927 Fire; 1939 Earth; 1951 Metal; 1963 Water; 1975 Wood; 1987 Fire; 1999 Earth; 2011 Metal, 2023 Water.

Famous Rabbit/Hares Include:

Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, Ingrid Bergman, Albert Einstein,Orson Wells, Donnie Yen, Bob Hope, Angelina Jolie, Lewis Carroll, John Cleese, Leon Trotsky, Li Lin-Jie (Jet Li) Frank Sinatra, Tiger Woods and Whitney Houston.


Rabbit/Hares are considered the luckiest of the Chinese Zodiac's 12 Animal Signs. Usually laid-back and relaxed Rabbits/Hares being conservative and risk-averse at heart, are rarely tempted to gamble but do so skillfully, when the occasion arises. Reliable and trustworthy and dependable, Rabbit/Hares are articulate, virtuous and well-liked

Rabbits are sometimes prone to gossip and small-talk and can be a little too easy-going at times. Rabbits can be be over-cautious at times and sometimes excessively modest and self-effacing.

Ideal Rabbit/Hare Careers and Occupations Include:

Fashion, Design, Medicine, Administration, Politics, Diplomacy, Writing and Publishing, Education, Performing Arts, and Public Relations-Rabbits/Hares also make excellent Therapists.


Rabbits/Hares are most compatible with individuals born under the Signs of the Dog and Pig. They are least compatible with those born under the Signs of the Rooster and Rat.

The Rabbit/Hare in Snake Year 2013-14

Snake year contains hidden dangers for Rabbits, particularly regarding financial matters. Take care with respect to those around you and don't be too trusting lest hard-earned wealth suffers a negative outflow.

Rabbit stubbornness may cause friction in close relationships and good commuication skills may be required. Overall, Rabbits' health should be fairly good during the period although colds, flu and headaches may be a problem at times.

Regarding Rabbits

Rabbits' Longevity links are well known.The Rabbit's Lunar-location (see below) emphasises this via the Moon's well-known reproductive-cycle links. Rabbits are also considered the most fortunate or 'lucky' of the 12 Animal signs and can benefit from appropriate longevity-training.

Look carefully at the next new moon- the Chinese see a Rabbit, under a tree, with the elixir of life in its paw. As they reproduce so quickly, the world will never experience a rabbit-shortage! Thus, the Rabbit is a Chinese symbol of longevity.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Principles of Art

There are five basic principles of art whosoever must consider decorating a room so that the result would be attractive. These are:
1- Proportion

2- Balance

3- Harmony

Principles of Art

4- Rhythm

5- Emphasis

Let explain one by one to the above Art Principles.


The proportion principle is now and then called code of relations. It is an Arian principle that the length and width of any place or thing should have 2:3. For instance, if a room is 12 feet wide the length should be 18 feet. The color of room and the size of room have also profound relation with each other. If a room is small then you can create spaciousness by light paint on walls. The color on wall should match with other things color scheme. Suppose, if the color of walls is white or off-white then cove of couch, curtain, carpet and other decoration pieces must have wanton color scheme.

2- Balance:

It means to decorate the things together in such a way that their trivial sign should spellbinding. We can divide balance in further two forms i.e. Formal and Informal. Informal Balance has more nearness, freedom, the right of choice and variety while Formal Balance is reversed.

3- Harmony:

Harmony means unanimity which can be found in the following:

I. In form or line

II. In size or magnitude

III. In creation

IV. In the surface

V. In colors

To arrange the room or any thing under consider the above five elements, it can made eye-catching. Unanimity means your creation aggregately striking and impressive.

4- Rhythm:

Rhythm means the movement of scene from one thing to another. Each movement is not pleasant if you feel weariness and hindrance to watch the movement of one thing to another then its sign could not be comfortable. When take a glance from one decoration to another in continuation then it give comfort to heart and soul. On the other hand, if unable to create rhythm then the sign of creation would not be symmetrical.

5- Emphasis:

It means to give central importance to anything. Such as to keep the things on a apparent place which draw attention towards initially.

Principles of Art
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoos

Breast cancer ribbon tattoos have become a very popular way to show your support for those who have fought a cancer battle. While there are many different types of ribbons supporting many different causes, the pink ribbon is one that has taken on international significance representing breast cancer awareness.

With one in eight women and men fighting the breast cancer battle this year alone there is a good chance that you will know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. As a tattoo enthusiast, I love seeing people who have chosen to honor and support someone with a breast cancer ribbon tattoo.

If you are thinking about getting a breast cancer tattoo for yourself that honors someone who is fighting this particular battle or someone whose has fought this battle and ultimately lost ~ then here are some tattoo tips that you will want to keep in mind.

Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoos

* Choosing the Right Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoo Design.

Take your time choosing the perfect breast cancer tattoo. Not only do you want the tattoo to be the right one for you, but you'll want it to properly symbolize your love and support for your friend or loved one. Looking through online designs is a good place to start. Having a stencil in hand of your chosen artwork when you go to your favorite tattoo artist can also save you some time and money.

* Location, Location, Location

Just as in real estate, the location of your tattoo is important, especially with this type of tattoo. Display it in a prominent location. After all... you want the world to see this beautiful work of art that shows your love and support for those with breast cancer.

* If This is Your First Tattoo?

If this is your first tattoo then you must Think... Think... and Re-Think Before You Ink! Take your time choosing a design. Take your time choosing the right placement location.

Don't get a tattoo while under pressure from someone else. Hopefully, you will be living with this tattoo for the rest of your life so choose wisely from the start. You will want to be happy not only today but for all the tomorrows to come.

* Consultation Please!

It is a very good idea to make an appointment for a consultation with the artist. Actually, you should consult with several artists before making a final decision on just which artist will ink your tattoo. Take all your ideas, sketches and stenciled artwork with you to your appointment so together you and the artist can come up with the best custom tattoo design that is just right for you.

Getting a tattoo is somewhat of an intimate experience so you will want to be comfortable with the person who is going to be making art with you.

* Don't Shop for Price Alone!

Tattooing is an art form and great tattoos can be expensive. If you decide to go smaller in order to save money, you may regret it later. Sometimes waiting until you can afford to get the right tattoo will be worth it in the long run. Your tattoo should be unique and special to you so don't scrimp on it.

Deciding to get a breast cancer ribbon tattoo is commendable and offers a special tribute to your loved one or friend. Take your time choosing the best design and the right application location. Only then will it truly show honor and respect for those who fight the breast cancer battle.

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Visit Breast Cancer Tattoo Designs for more information or you may want to pickup a copy of Tattoos for Women - It's packed with great tattoo advice and designs!

Mary Edison is a tattoo enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur. She loves tats with attitude and ones with special meaning! You might say she has "Tattootude" ~ Tats with Attitude!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Example of Haiku Poems

If you're looking for a good example of haiku poems and you want a more modern example, look no further! Sure, it's easy to find haiku examples of Basho, Issa, and Buson - the old Japanese masters. But what about what haiku poets are doing today? Here, for your reading pleasure are a few examples of modern haiku.

Haiku Example Poem #1

Hot June day --

Example of Haiku Poems

an otter

slips into the sea

In this haiku by the author's book "Seashore Haiku," we have something that is a good example of a haiku poem and is modern in style. It's modern because it does not follow the 5-7-5 syllable rule invented by the Japanese. But it does retain the haiku sensibility. That is, it's a short poem about nature. It's descriptive and speaks in a present tense style. Broken down into it's component parts, this haiku consists of a fragment "Hot June day" and a phrase "an otter slips into the sea."

Haiku Example Poem #2

Fall afternoon --

the sound of a woodpecker


In this haiku poem example we have a snapshot of an event taking place sometime in Autumn. From the author's second book "Bird Haiku," this snapshot of nature takes the reader into a scene. In this instance, it's not what's observed but what is heard. Haiku are at their best when they take the reader into the picture. Here, we get the sense of being in the woods. We're not told where but we know that woodpeckers spend most of their time in the forest.

Haiku Example Poem #3

Dry gray branches

surround the robin...

winter thaw

In this haiku poem, also from "Bird Haiku," we have a different arrangement. Here the phrase comes before the fragment. The majority of haiku poems start with the fragment first. But we can also compose them phrase first. It's all about artistic sensibility - whatever sounds and reads the best to the person creating the haiku.

So here we have three examples of haiku poems that are modern in style.

Example of Haiku Poems
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Friday, November 16, 2012

Reverse Glass Painting - Centuries Old Art Form

Reverse glass painting is the art of painting an image on the reverse side of a piece of glass or glass object so that the image can be viewed from the unpainted side. It has been done since early in the sixteenth century in Europe, and was known in China during the early 18th century.

This style of painting has been used for religious art, abstract art, clock faces, realistic landscapes, and scenes with people and portraits. It is a very exacting art form, especially when done as a realistic painting. The image is actually painted in reverse order on the glass. The finishing details of the painting must be put on the glass first, and must be done accurately as this is immediately covered with the next phase of the painting. So for a portrait reverse glass painting, the pupil of the eye would be painted first, then the eye, and so on in reverse order, finishing with the background. When the glass is turned over, the actual intended image is viewed from the unpainted side. Unlike stained glass, these paintings are meant to be mounted on a wall with light shown on them, instead of light going through them.

As best as art historians can determine, reverse glass painting evolved in Austria, the Black Forest region, and Romania in central Europe. And northern Spain, central and southern Italy in southern Europe. These paintings were generally created in small village family workshops, with fewer paintings produced by larger shops in large cities. Many of the images painted were of religious subjects in the beginning of the art form.

Reverse Glass Painting - Centuries Old Art Form

In the early 19th century the art form spread to other areas and appeared in the Middle East and West Africa. Areas where Islam flourished produced many reverse glass paintings. These paintings depicted scenes from Old Testament stories, stories and quotations from the Qu'ran.

The first documentation of reverse glass painting in China is in the writings of some Jesuit missionaries stationed there in the middle of the 18th century. Some say that it was the missionaries themselves that introduced the art in China, but art historians doubt that. The missionaries wrote about various art forms known in China when they arrived, and reverse glass painting was already being done in China upon their arrival. The exact time when the art form reached China is not documented in any known Chinese art history literature. There is evidence that Chinese glass painting was never considered a serious form of art by the Chinese themselves. Glass paintings used in China were usually located in restaurants or other public places and seldom in homes of the Chinese themselves. Much of it was also done for sale to tourists and foreigners.

With the innovations of photography and forms of printing in the middle of the 19th century, glass painting began to decline. There has been a recent resurgence in the art form, and reverse glass paintings are now being done in China, India and the world over.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tattoo Healing Problems

There are only a few possible healing problems associated with tattooing. The first obvious one is infection. Tattoos can be red or irritated, but infection is a green or brown discharge. Infections do not come out from shops, usually the client has gotten into something they should not have or just not taken care of the tattoo. If you see a tattoo get infected, you should ask what the client is using for the care. Rubbing alcohol and peroxide will only make the infection worse. Rubbing alcohol will dry the skin out causing it to heal harder and peroxide will eat away the infection and the new skin growing back.

The worst thing you can do on an infected tattoo is any kind of salve. The salve or ointment will seal in the infection and cause it to get much worse. You instead, need to dry out the infection. The best thing you can tell your client is to only wash the tattoo two or three times ad day for two days. If the infection gets better, then keep it up till the tattoo heals completely. If the infection stays the same or gets worse, then you need to tell them to go to the hospital where they will flush the wound and put them on antibiotics.

Never diagnose an infection over the phone. Tell your client that they must come in, for you to see the tattoo first hand. If it is already progressed then you need to tell them to visit their doctor. Most of the time it will just be red or sore to the touch and people just assume its infected. Everyone loves to panic.

Tattoo Healing Problems

Allergic reactions are common at the tattoo field. If someone has an allergic reaction to a tattoo then best bet is that it will not be the pigment. Again, find out what they are using for aftercare. Most of the time, the culprit will be lotion with perfume in it or made for tattoo aftercare. Symptoms of allergic reaction are small red bumps around the tattoo, the surrounding area of the tattoo can be red in color, the tattoo will be more painful than usual, and sometimes you will see a clear or white discharge.

The best thing you can do is tell them to discontinue the aftercare they are using and wash the tattoo in antibacterial soap to kill the bacteria so it does not turn to infection. If it progresses into infection then follow the instructions above. Do not tattoo on diabetics unless you know them personally. Diabetics are more open to infection due to the lack of circulation associated with the condition. This means the tattoo will heal much slower on top of being higher risk for infection. Remember that the over all health of your client is infinitely more important than the outcome of the work. You can always touch up a tattoo after it heals. Do not take any risks.

Tattoo Healing Problems
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Alexandra is a writer who interested in tattoos and their design. She collects a lot of the tattoo photos and other subjects also. Visit Her Website at Tattoo Resources and also at Article Resources.

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