Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Principles of Art

There are five basic principles of art whosoever must consider decorating a room so that the result would be attractive. These are:
1- Proportion

2- Balance

3- Harmony

Principles of Art

4- Rhythm

5- Emphasis

Let explain one by one to the above Art Principles.


The proportion principle is now and then called code of relations. It is an Arian principle that the length and width of any place or thing should have 2:3. For instance, if a room is 12 feet wide the length should be 18 feet. The color of room and the size of room have also profound relation with each other. If a room is small then you can create spaciousness by light paint on walls. The color on wall should match with other things color scheme. Suppose, if the color of walls is white or off-white then cove of couch, curtain, carpet and other decoration pieces must have wanton color scheme.

2- Balance:

It means to decorate the things together in such a way that their trivial sign should spellbinding. We can divide balance in further two forms i.e. Formal and Informal. Informal Balance has more nearness, freedom, the right of choice and variety while Formal Balance is reversed.

3- Harmony:

Harmony means unanimity which can be found in the following:

I. In form or line

II. In size or magnitude

III. In creation

IV. In the surface

V. In colors

To arrange the room or any thing under consider the above five elements, it can made eye-catching. Unanimity means your creation aggregately striking and impressive.

4- Rhythm:

Rhythm means the movement of scene from one thing to another. Each movement is not pleasant if you feel weariness and hindrance to watch the movement of one thing to another then its sign could not be comfortable. When take a glance from one decoration to another in continuation then it give comfort to heart and soul. On the other hand, if unable to create rhythm then the sign of creation would not be symmetrical.

5- Emphasis:

It means to give central importance to anything. Such as to keep the things on a apparent place which draw attention towards initially.

Principles of Art
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoos

Breast cancer ribbon tattoos have become a very popular way to show your support for those who have fought a cancer battle. While there are many different types of ribbons supporting many different causes, the pink ribbon is one that has taken on international significance representing breast cancer awareness.

With one in eight women and men fighting the breast cancer battle this year alone there is a good chance that you will know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. As a tattoo enthusiast, I love seeing people who have chosen to honor and support someone with a breast cancer ribbon tattoo.

If you are thinking about getting a breast cancer tattoo for yourself that honors someone who is fighting this particular battle or someone whose has fought this battle and ultimately lost ~ then here are some tattoo tips that you will want to keep in mind.

Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoos

* Choosing the Right Breast Cancer Ribbon Tattoo Design.

Take your time choosing the perfect breast cancer tattoo. Not only do you want the tattoo to be the right one for you, but you'll want it to properly symbolize your love and support for your friend or loved one. Looking through online designs is a good place to start. Having a stencil in hand of your chosen artwork when you go to your favorite tattoo artist can also save you some time and money.

* Location, Location, Location

Just as in real estate, the location of your tattoo is important, especially with this type of tattoo. Display it in a prominent location. After all... you want the world to see this beautiful work of art that shows your love and support for those with breast cancer.

* If This is Your First Tattoo?

If this is your first tattoo then you must Think... Think... and Re-Think Before You Ink! Take your time choosing a design. Take your time choosing the right placement location.

Don't get a tattoo while under pressure from someone else. Hopefully, you will be living with this tattoo for the rest of your life so choose wisely from the start. You will want to be happy not only today but for all the tomorrows to come.

* Consultation Please!

It is a very good idea to make an appointment for a consultation with the artist. Actually, you should consult with several artists before making a final decision on just which artist will ink your tattoo. Take all your ideas, sketches and stenciled artwork with you to your appointment so together you and the artist can come up with the best custom tattoo design that is just right for you.

Getting a tattoo is somewhat of an intimate experience so you will want to be comfortable with the person who is going to be making art with you.

* Don't Shop for Price Alone!

Tattooing is an art form and great tattoos can be expensive. If you decide to go smaller in order to save money, you may regret it later. Sometimes waiting until you can afford to get the right tattoo will be worth it in the long run. Your tattoo should be unique and special to you so don't scrimp on it.

Deciding to get a breast cancer ribbon tattoo is commendable and offers a special tribute to your loved one or friend. Take your time choosing the best design and the right application location. Only then will it truly show honor and respect for those who fight the breast cancer battle.

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Visit Breast Cancer Tattoo Designs for more information or you may want to pickup a copy of Tattoos for Women - It's packed with great tattoo advice and designs!

Mary Edison is a tattoo enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur. She loves tats with attitude and ones with special meaning! You might say she has "Tattootude" ~ Tats with Attitude!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Example of Haiku Poems

If you're looking for a good example of haiku poems and you want a more modern example, look no further! Sure, it's easy to find haiku examples of Basho, Issa, and Buson - the old Japanese masters. But what about what haiku poets are doing today? Here, for your reading pleasure are a few examples of modern haiku.

Haiku Example Poem #1

Hot June day --

Example of Haiku Poems

an otter

slips into the sea

In this haiku by the author's book "Seashore Haiku," we have something that is a good example of a haiku poem and is modern in style. It's modern because it does not follow the 5-7-5 syllable rule invented by the Japanese. But it does retain the haiku sensibility. That is, it's a short poem about nature. It's descriptive and speaks in a present tense style. Broken down into it's component parts, this haiku consists of a fragment "Hot June day" and a phrase "an otter slips into the sea."

Haiku Example Poem #2

Fall afternoon --

the sound of a woodpecker


In this haiku poem example we have a snapshot of an event taking place sometime in Autumn. From the author's second book "Bird Haiku," this snapshot of nature takes the reader into a scene. In this instance, it's not what's observed but what is heard. Haiku are at their best when they take the reader into the picture. Here, we get the sense of being in the woods. We're not told where but we know that woodpeckers spend most of their time in the forest.

Haiku Example Poem #3

Dry gray branches

surround the robin...

winter thaw

In this haiku poem, also from "Bird Haiku," we have a different arrangement. Here the phrase comes before the fragment. The majority of haiku poems start with the fragment first. But we can also compose them phrase first. It's all about artistic sensibility - whatever sounds and reads the best to the person creating the haiku.

So here we have three examples of haiku poems that are modern in style.

Example of Haiku Poems
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Learn How to Write Haiku! Let haiku poet/author Edward A. Weiss show you how to create your own beautiful haiku poems!. Visit to learn more.

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Reverse Glass Painting - Centuries Old Art Form

Reverse glass painting is the art of painting an image on the reverse side of a piece of glass or glass object so that the image can be viewed from the unpainted side. It has been done since early in the sixteenth century in Europe, and was known in China during the early 18th century.

This style of painting has been used for religious art, abstract art, clock faces, realistic landscapes, and scenes with people and portraits. It is a very exacting art form, especially when done as a realistic painting. The image is actually painted in reverse order on the glass. The finishing details of the painting must be put on the glass first, and must be done accurately as this is immediately covered with the next phase of the painting. So for a portrait reverse glass painting, the pupil of the eye would be painted first, then the eye, and so on in reverse order, finishing with the background. When the glass is turned over, the actual intended image is viewed from the unpainted side. Unlike stained glass, these paintings are meant to be mounted on a wall with light shown on them, instead of light going through them.

As best as art historians can determine, reverse glass painting evolved in Austria, the Black Forest region, and Romania in central Europe. And northern Spain, central and southern Italy in southern Europe. These paintings were generally created in small village family workshops, with fewer paintings produced by larger shops in large cities. Many of the images painted were of religious subjects in the beginning of the art form.

Reverse Glass Painting - Centuries Old Art Form

In the early 19th century the art form spread to other areas and appeared in the Middle East and West Africa. Areas where Islam flourished produced many reverse glass paintings. These paintings depicted scenes from Old Testament stories, stories and quotations from the Qu'ran.

The first documentation of reverse glass painting in China is in the writings of some Jesuit missionaries stationed there in the middle of the 18th century. Some say that it was the missionaries themselves that introduced the art in China, but art historians doubt that. The missionaries wrote about various art forms known in China when they arrived, and reverse glass painting was already being done in China upon their arrival. The exact time when the art form reached China is not documented in any known Chinese art history literature. There is evidence that Chinese glass painting was never considered a serious form of art by the Chinese themselves. Glass paintings used in China were usually located in restaurants or other public places and seldom in homes of the Chinese themselves. Much of it was also done for sale to tourists and foreigners.

With the innovations of photography and forms of printing in the middle of the 19th century, glass painting began to decline. There has been a recent resurgence in the art form, and reverse glass paintings are now being done in China, India and the world over.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tattoo Healing Problems

There are only a few possible healing problems associated with tattooing. The first obvious one is infection. Tattoos can be red or irritated, but infection is a green or brown discharge. Infections do not come out from shops, usually the client has gotten into something they should not have or just not taken care of the tattoo. If you see a tattoo get infected, you should ask what the client is using for the care. Rubbing alcohol and peroxide will only make the infection worse. Rubbing alcohol will dry the skin out causing it to heal harder and peroxide will eat away the infection and the new skin growing back.

The worst thing you can do on an infected tattoo is any kind of salve. The salve or ointment will seal in the infection and cause it to get much worse. You instead, need to dry out the infection. The best thing you can tell your client is to only wash the tattoo two or three times ad day for two days. If the infection gets better, then keep it up till the tattoo heals completely. If the infection stays the same or gets worse, then you need to tell them to go to the hospital where they will flush the wound and put them on antibiotics.

Never diagnose an infection over the phone. Tell your client that they must come in, for you to see the tattoo first hand. If it is already progressed then you need to tell them to visit their doctor. Most of the time it will just be red or sore to the touch and people just assume its infected. Everyone loves to panic.

Tattoo Healing Problems

Allergic reactions are common at the tattoo field. If someone has an allergic reaction to a tattoo then best bet is that it will not be the pigment. Again, find out what they are using for aftercare. Most of the time, the culprit will be lotion with perfume in it or made for tattoo aftercare. Symptoms of allergic reaction are small red bumps around the tattoo, the surrounding area of the tattoo can be red in color, the tattoo will be more painful than usual, and sometimes you will see a clear or white discharge.

The best thing you can do is tell them to discontinue the aftercare they are using and wash the tattoo in antibacterial soap to kill the bacteria so it does not turn to infection. If it progresses into infection then follow the instructions above. Do not tattoo on diabetics unless you know them personally. Diabetics are more open to infection due to the lack of circulation associated with the condition. This means the tattoo will heal much slower on top of being higher risk for infection. Remember that the over all health of your client is infinitely more important than the outcome of the work. You can always touch up a tattoo after it heals. Do not take any risks.

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Alexandra is a writer who interested in tattoos and their design. She collects a lot of the tattoo photos and other subjects also. Visit Her Website at Tattoo Resources and also at Article Resources.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Maori Tattoo Designs - Unveiling Their Occult Inner Meanings

Avoiding Common Mistakes

If you are in search for your unique Maori tattoo design, it is well advised to be aware of some factors related to the Maori culture in order to avoid some of the common mistakes people use to make when approaching these special and meaningful designs.

Many people choose to get a tattoo nowadays. It is well noticed that Maori tattoo designs are often the choice made by people searching for tribal tattoos. Maori tattoo designs seem to be at the forefront of tattoos when it comes to selecting a tattoo and it perfectly makes since, once you get to examine these stunning and intriguing designs.

Maori Tattoo Designs - Unveiling Their Occult Inner Meanings

Many tattoo artists and tattoo customers will often imitate other cultures and tattoo designs to try come up with their own unique design. Although it may lead to an artistic flair, it is certainly not the case when approaching traditional Maori tattoo designs.

Understanding The Maori Culture

First step in understanding this unique culture would be understanding their terminology. All walks of life have and use their own terms which are unique to that particular culture or tribe and so it is with the people from New Zealand known as Maoris. For example: The Ta Moko is the name of the family identification of Maoris that form part of the group known as Whakapapa.

One of the primary reasons that these designs formed an important and solid role within their culture was the ability of the Maoris to trace their ancestry over generations. These tattoos also served them, while fighting on the battlefield; to know who they were fighting against, as their lives literally depended on these particular works of art etched on their bodies.

Some Maoris can still trace their families using these tattoos. There are chiefs that can look at a Maori tattoo design and read it like a wide-open book. They do this by feeling the texture, looking at the design and the precision that went into etching that tattoo and by that, will be able to trace back some of these Maori family trees.

Even today, there are some Maoris in New Zealand that have Maori tribal tattoos that date back 2,000 years! Another interesting fact that most tattoo enthusiast are unaware of when looking at Maori tattoo designs is that each tattoo entails an actual story, and each story tells a tale of a certain tribe origins, their beliefs, their spiritual world and much more. So far we have dealt with the Ta form but the other part or missing word is Moko, and the Moko part of any Maori tattoo is the actual carving out of the skin.

Traditionally, the Maori used the bones of albatrosses and other cutting tools to etch their tattoos. These tools cut deep grooves into the skin. The coloring is used to represent the family history and the story is told by the actual patterns on the skin, that way, a tribe elder would be able to tell the history by looking at the design of the Moko and of course the patterning of the skin. Traditionally, Maori tattoo designs were done on the face, however, back in the day, they were also done on people's bodies. An important thing to note is that the people who had these designs done on their faces were important figures within their tribe. That is how they were distinguished from the rest within the tribe.

One Culture, Many Fans & One Common, Very Big, Mistake To Avoid

It is now common for westerners to have these designs; this can be regarded as a way of promoting the Maori culture; when in fact, the Maoris regard it is a form of stealing Maori tradition and culture. One should never just take symbols, images or words from the Mauritanian or Maori culture without knowing what they represent. To the Maoris, this is seen as an insult. Can you imagine walking around with some Maoris family history on your back or arm? The only way you might find yourself in such a situation is if you go out and start copying any Maori tattoo design that you come across.

Would you like to know what Maoris think of white people and other cultures that steal their Maori tattoo designs? Among Maoris, white people are called "Pakeha" and are known for never asking but just taking (in terms of culture and land) they also see most westerns as close minded, never seeing anything but themselves, let alone other cultures. Not surprisingly enough, the Native Americans as well, claimed the same about the white man in America.

The Maoris claim that Maori tattoo designs that are not done properly weaken their spirituality and culture. They also regard the westerners as thieves for not having their own originality when getting Maori tattoo designs. So, how will this affect your decision when getting this ancient form of Polynesian art?

For starters, the simplest thing you can do is not to go out and copy the first Maori tattoo design that you see on a Maori in New Zealand. You would be amazed how many people have done that! The quickest way to get a traditional and unique Maori tattoo design would be to contact someone in New Zealand who is in charge of a tribe or a tribal tattoo artist, email them the design you fancy and ask if that design is not someone else's design already. Though this may seem absurd, as previously mentioned, we have to show some sensitivity to a culture that has shrunk over the last 200 years. Taking advantage of the power of the internet, this could be done in a matter of days.

It is only when Maori tattoo designs are copied from someone else within a Maori tribe that makes them feel that their spirituality is being stolen.

Maori Tattoo Designs - Unveiling Their Occult Inner Meanings
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Olga Zitner is an experienced tattoo enthusiast and the webmaster of

If you're looking for Maori tattoo designs and Polynesian tattoos or searching for great tattoo galleries you are welcome to visit her blog.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Symbolism Behind an Anchor Tattoo and Anchor Tattoo Design

Anchor tattoos were all the rage for sailors. It was often the symbol of a very experienced sailor. Anchor tattoo designs are one of the oldest types of tattoos. However with an interest in all things retro and chic these have come back into fashion. In fact in the tattoo field as a whole retro tattoo designs have been experiencing a resurgence. These retro tattoo designs have come back to life with new more vibrant tattoo colors, designs and placements on the body. This trend originated on the west coast mostly and has even become known as west coast tattoo style.

Retro themes in tattoo designs are especially popular with the rockabilly group.

So what is the symbolism behind the anchor tattoo design? While the earliest forms of an anchor being used as a symbol harkens all the way back to the early Christians. They would often use the anchor as a hidden symbol for the cross. This was often used to show that they were Christian while escaping persecution from the Greeks.

The Symbolism Behind an Anchor Tattoo and Anchor Tattoo Design

The symbol much later became popular with sailors. This is a pretty obvious connection here being that sailor use anchors constantly in their work.

The anchor tattoo design has become a symbol for stability and a strong foundation. It can also mean a boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other in someone's life. You see a man might get an anchor tattoo to show that his girlfriend is the stability in his life.

These have become increasingly popular for women to get and they often place them just below their collar bone on the right of left side.

So the anchor tattoo is a great tattoo with lots of symbolism and history behind it. If you are looking for something to remind you to stay grounded or want to symbolism a particularly stable or grounding relationship that you have then an anchor tattoo design might be something to look into.

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Chris is an avid tattoo enthusiast, as well as an observer and writer of the tattoo scene. He has run numerous tattoo related website business in the past. However, now he provides great tattoo information in the form of articles and web pages for everyone to enjoy free. Check out this page for more on tattoo sleeve designs, or here for awesome Free Star Tattoo Designs.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tribal Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

The art of tattooing is probably as old as humanity itself and tribal tattoo designs have always been at the forefront of the most favorite tattoo designs throughout the ages. Even though the technology used in tattoos have evolved from the crude ink and needle techniques of yesteryear's to the modern tattoo- making tools and machines that can create colorful, very intricate and very complicated works of art on a human body, the preference for tribal designs never waned.

The following is a short discussion of the various tribal tattoo designs that many people prefer and a look into the meaning behind these designs.

*The Traditional Meaning of Tribal Tattoos

Tribal Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

It has been the tradition of many tribes around the world to sport a form or two of tribal-tattoos on their bodies as part of being a member of that particular tribe. Some of the more popular traditional designs that we see today originated from Borneo, the Celts, the Haidas in Southeast Alaska, the Native American Indians, the ancient Chinese, the Aztecs and other South American tribes, and the Polynesian tribes particularly the Maori people.

Tribal tattoo designs and meanings vary from each tribe and it depends on their mythological roots and how each tribe view and interact with there surroundings and with the world. Most of these designs are associated with their beliefs and religions and form part of rituals and rights of passages. These tattoo designs also have significant social meanings ranging from a unique identification system for families or tribes or as a record of the individual's accomplishments and phases in life. Others believe tattoos can bring out magical powers or they can drive off evil spirits.

*Tribal Tattoo Meanings in the Modern World

Tribal tattoos are really great-looking designs that stand out despite their monochromatic characteristics. The modern world and tattoo enthusiasts have combined certain elements of traditional designs and mix it up with modern lines, curves and other elements. These designs can be adapted from traditional patterns used by real tribes, or designs can be created from an original variation of the artist using traditional tribal elements.

However, a person wanting such variations or adaptation from original designs should be careful not to offend the original tribe by making more careful studies on tribal tattoo meanings particularly for a specific tribe. Some traditional designs used by native tribes signify their identity and if used by an outsider, the act would be considered a serious insult to the original tribe.

In most cases, tribal tattoo designs used in a modern context does not have the same meaning or connotation as traditional tribes have intended them to be. Most do not have a real meaning in itself and were just created because of plain, artistic and aesthetic beauty that the image possesses. Despite that, a lot of people are enamored and would prefer the tribal design over the multi-colored variations.

Tattooing is an age-old tradition used by many tribes all throughout the world. The black images used in tribal tattoo designs have different connotations and meanings as they are used throughout the tattoo world - both traditionally and in a modern sense.

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