Monday, June 25, 2012

Five Elements of Art Explained

In a previous article line was discussed as one of the basic elements in art. The others are shape, value, texture, volume or mass, and color. Each of these may receive the artist's emphasis, but all are always present if the work is to be considered a work of art. And that consideration is the key.

Shape as an art element is defined as any area that has identifiable boundaries. Generally, these boundaries are defined by lines, however it may be indicated in other ways. For example, an edge between one color and other indicates shape. A division between dark and light areas define boundaries of shape. In dance, shape is designated by body movements within a given area. This is especially true in modern dance.

Arts And Entertainment

Value is the third element of art, the first being line and the second being shape. Value is the subtle difference between light and dark areas. The two extremes of value are black and white. And between these two extremes of value are many ranges. In a painting, shadows or dark colors indicate the dark areas. Highlights are shown by lighter values. In theater as well as film, lighting is used to create value.

Five Elements of Art Explained

The fourth element of texture is unique. It involves two of our senses. Sight identifies the nature of the texture and stimulates our mental construction of the sense of touch without actually touching the object being observed. This sense of implied touch occurs because of those experiences you have had. You are creating your concept of a reality when this happens. And it is illusion.

Volume or mass is the fifth art element and it is what suggests dimensionality, specifically depth. Mass is sometimes considered as a separate element because it suggests weight. In painting weight cannot be seen. Sculpture on the other hand uses mass. Yet, even two dimensional surfaces can be made to give a sense of volume. This is accomplished by space, placement of objects, and color.

The final element of art is color. Despite the fact that nearly everyone knows what color is, it still causes problems. Among the chief reasons for this difficulty is individual differences in seeing colors and the names of colors. Involved in color is hue, tint, shade, saturation, primary and secondary, and complementary colors. Color's psychological impact on the viewer is significant.

When married to line, these five elements, shape, value, texture, volume, and color come together to form composition, the subject of a future article.

Five Elements of Art Explained

Dr. Wilson has forty years experience in education at the junior high school, graduate school, and community college. He is the author and co-author of textbooks in literary criticism and in the humanities. These include The Humanities, Contemporary Images, Butterflies and All That Jazz with Drs. James G Massey and Arthur J. Powell, and Window and Images, An Introduction to the Humanities, also with Massey and Powell.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Make 3D Paper Art

Have you seen 3d paper art effects on scrapbook pages and wondered how they were achieved? Sometimes it takes very little to add a lot to a page or a card. It can look as though you have spent hours making a special item when in reality, it may only have taken some well placed presses or a little knowledge of how to go about shaping your hand made or store bought embellishments.

Make 3D paper flowers

Arts And Entertainment

One of the best tools I know for shaping paper flowers is actually called a flower shaping tool. It looks like a plastic stick that is rounded on both ends. One end is tapered and the other end has a half circle shape that allows you to crease your paper flower art. When you buy a tool, also purchase a soft mat (like a more forgiving mouse pad) to use when shaping your flowers.

How to Make 3D Paper Art

If you have some basic paper punches (circles, hearts) you are then in business for making shaped paper flowers. A flower with petals is really made up of repetitive shapes. Punch out several hearts to form the petals, then place your flat piece of heart shaped card stock on the flower shaping mat.

Have you noticed that petals have a slight cup shape towards the centre of the flower? Press on the pointy end of the heart and roll the tool to add a cup like shape.

Have you also noticed that many petals have a little lip on the edge, or a rounded shape? You can create both with a few presses of your tool. Then simply do the same to all of the rest of the petals and assemble your flower, using adhesive to keep the petals in place. Sometimes it helps to punch out a circle to act as a base to adhere the petals to.

Make 3d paper leaves

Need some 3d leaves? Flat leaves can look fine, but adding a 3d element to them makes them look almost real. To make a simple leaf, punch a heart shape and cut it down the centre lengthwise, then finish trimming the shape into a leaf. You will have a rounded end (the stem end) and a pointy end to your leaf.

If you want raggedy edges leaves, tear the edges or cut them with decal edged scissors. If you want a mottled look now is the time to sponge your leaf with ink or splash it with paints or other treatments.

When it is dry, fold the leaf in half lengthwise, then crumple the card stock leaf and flatten it out slightly. Again use your paper shaping tool and pad to form a cup like shape on the rounded end, and maybe curl the tip of the leaf slightly. You can also draw in the veins and stem line of the leaf and/or ink the edges. I like to use gold ink on the edges of many of my leaves. Then make as many leaves as you like and add them to your card or layout.

If you compare these leaves to projects with flat leaves, the difference can be stunning.

Quill it

Another way to add dimension to layouts and cards is the quilling technique. for those who have not tried it, it looks very impressive yet is not very hard to do. Quilled shapes are made with thin strips of paper tightly or loosely coiled around a needle like shape. There are also quilling trays that will help the coils you make to stay a uniform size so you can make exact 'building blocks' for your embellishments.

The end of the strip of paper is either anchored down while the coil is tight or the coil is allowed to relax and the loose end is adhered when it has finished uncoiling. You will get better adhesion if you tear the end of your strip of paper as a torn end adheres more invisibly than a straight cut one. You can buy quilling tools, or just start with a darning needle pushed into a cork and use the cork as a handle while you wrap thin strips of paper around the needle. You can buy special quilling paper packs, though I have heard of people using thin paper put through a shredder for some of their projects. I personally find a shredder makes the paper a little too wide for card embellishments, but you may like that effect, especially on a 12" x 12" scrapbook layout.

Quilled embellishments can be made by repeating certain shapes. For example, the basic coil can make a flower. All you need is a yellow coil for the centre of the bloom, then five coils in another colour for the petals. If you pinch one side of your coil, you will have a leaf shape. If you pinch both sides of a coil, you will have a double pointed shape. There are lots more shapes you could learn to make the embellishments you would like. And you can build all sorts of shapes with quilled components, from animals to buildings to food to just about anything!

Recycle it

Another effective way to add 3d elements to your projects is to add a 3d recycled element to the mix. Has your feather duster lost a feather? Scrap with it! Is there an interesting insert inside a box? See if it is just what you are looking for with a certain layout. Do you have some old packing boxes? Tear one open and see if the corrugated card inside inspires you to make an embellishment from it. There is so much you can add with recycled materials.

Ribbon, material and more

I am sure you know how to use ribbon on a page or card. You adhere it down flat with a piece of double sided tape, right? Yes, that adds a little 3d element, but you can do much more with ribbon. You have probably already tied bows on a card or layout. But have you pleated it, sewn over the pleats, looped or curled it? Have you ruffled it and used the ruffle to wind into a flower shape held together with a button centre? How about tying knots in the end of a bunch of ribbons and then tying the bunch together and adding that to your project?

Ribbons can mimic stems for flowers too. Experiment with ribbon and twine and cord and leather. Try using netting or other pieces of material to add interest. Use a piece of material from a special dress or room furnishing to add value to the subject you are scrapping about. Use it as a background for a photo, or gathered or tied or scrunched - the choices are only limited by your imagination.

Texturise it

Yet another wonderful 3d element can be added with texture paints or gesso (coloured or otherwise). Slather colour on to the object and use various objects to 'work' it such as spatulas, paint brushes, a fork, a toothpick, a cotton bud, the end of a bobby pin. Use anything you think will make an interesting texture. Dab at it with an old hair brush or toothbrush. Embed beads, buttons, sequins or crystals in it. Add little shells. Throw on some glitter. Have fun! You will make something truly original and interesting to add as a background for your projects.

Remember that Cuttlebug or Big Shot machines dry emboss card stock. Make it even more interesting by sanding the ridges of the embossed patterns, or chalking them, or swiping an ink pad over them or painting and removing some of the paint with a tissue before it is completely dry. Crumple up the paper and smooth it out again.

I hope these ideas have inspired you to experiment and move a little (or a lot) outside your comfort zone to add some lovely 3d paper art to your handmade papercrafting repertoire.

Have fun!

How to Make 3D Paper Art

Would you like to find out more about papercraft tools, tips and techniques? At you will find step-by-step guides for making many beautiful paper craft projects. There is even a page with more about making quilled cards:

You can ask questions about paper crafting, submit your own work and subscribe to Paper Twists, a newsletter all about papercrafts, for free!

(Copyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact).

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Boyfriend Birthday Poems

If you're looking for a loving but personal poem for your boyfriend then you're in for a treat! I have put together the ultimate collection of happy birthday poems for your boyfriend that you'll ever come across.

I was annoyed that I had to sit there and search through pages and pages of websites that offered "inadequate" or "irrelevant" poems for my boyfriend on his birthday. I realized at the end, that there was no way I was going to find that "perfect" poem for my boyfriend as it just wasn't out there. The thing is I was no expert at writing poems in the first place let alone a sentimental one for my boyfriend!

Arts And Entertainment

Here is an example of one of the poems I used:

Boyfriend Birthday Poems

On your birthday sweetheart, on this special day for you,
I promise to make it unforgettable and loving for you too.
You mean the world to me and I wish I could just show,
How good you make me fell I'm sure you'll never know.
With each birthday that passes, you mean so much to me,
I am so grateful for those things you do that you think may go unseen.
It's always so important to make an effort for this time,
You deserve the best you deserve the most I'm so glad that you are mine
I can get you many presents but they will never say,
How much you mean to me on this special day!

The truth is finding a high quality and unique poem for your boyfriend is a real struggle. You will stumble across some poems but can you be sure that they will really be the "perfect one for your boyfriend?"

Therefore I had to do something about it. I managed to get some of the most exclusive poetry writers together and persuade them to write the best ever "poems for boyfriends" they could with a personal yet perfected touch.

I have put together the ultimate collection of happy birthday poems for your boyfriend. For a birthday poem for your boyfriend like no other click here

Boyfriend Birthday Poems

I assure you this, you won't find any collection of poems that even comes close to the quality that this ultimate collection possess! Know I would love to include a few here but for space but to discover the ultimate collection of birthday poems for your boyfriend then just click here:

[]. You won't be disappointed!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tattooed Women - Classy Yet Sexy Tattoos For Women

What's the first thing that enters your mind every time you saw a tattoo? Maybe you can imagine another image in your mind. It doesn't matter what's your idea about it. Tattoos are most popular forms of body art. Since then, the art of tattooing has been practiced by several tribes in Japan. Up to no, tattoos still remained in the hearts of many. During early years, tattoos were only seen in men. But as you can observe, there are only a few tattooed women walking down the street or having some beers at the bar.

In the past, only a few women have decided to get to tattoos. But as years turned into decades, more and more women have recognized the real purposes of tattoos. As you watch TV or as you browse the net, you can't pass up tattooed women, from celebrities, to models and down to teens. Yet, another thing that's more enticing is the classy designs inked in different parts of their bodies.

Arts And Entertainment

When it comes to tattoos, women are more artistic in choosing designs compared to men. It's true that most women can disregard the pain just to look sexy and attractive in the eyes of many. For them, "pain is equal beauty". However, tattoos are not just meant to add appear to the body. Of course, there are individuals who have deeper reasons for getting a tattoo. In most cases, inspiration is one of the reasons why some women want to get tattooed. In times of hardships, they just look on their tattoos and they will be alright.

Tattooed Women - Classy Yet Sexy Tattoos For Women

What do people think of women with tattoos?

In contrast, there are also times wherein people are so judgmental. Even though, they have no proofs, they use you judge people through physical aspects. You can't admit that you also do the same every time you saw tattooed women. Do you? Until now there are still people specifically men who can't accept the fact that everything has changed in this world. Until now, they're thinking that tattoos are "tram stamps". However, it's your decision whether you want to get inked or not.

Sending your message to the world through tattoos

Tattoos can be used as mediums of expressing your love to somebody, or maybe to send your message to the whole world. If you think you're not that kind of woman they're thinking then, there's nothing wrong when getting tattoos. You are just expressing your personality and they have no care about you.

Although, it's quite normal to see tattooed women you still have to choose the design suitable for your body. Remember, getting a tattoo is just a prisoner. Of course if you want to get out you have to suffer from all the sacrifices inside the jail. Tattoos are permanent makers. And once, a tattoo is inked on your skin, you have no chance to change it, unless you decide remove it. And of course you're responsible for getting a tattoo because you are the one who decide.

Tattooed Women - Classy Yet Sexy Tattoos For Women

To get more information about Tattooed Women, visit our in-depth review at Chopper Tattoo Review.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Iris Tattoos - Sexy Flower Tattoo Design For Women

Iris tattoos are favored by women who have great admiration for the beauty of the flowers and have found connections to the symbolical meaning attached to it. Iris with its sleek stature and bright colors have artistic and stunning appeal as a body art, its no wonder that it has never fail to catch the attention of tat enthusiasts specifically the women.

Flower Tattoo Designs have always been a top favorite among women who are looking to get tattooed because its easy to express oneself through flowers not to mention the language and symbolism that they represent. It was believed that the flower was named after the Greek goddess Iris who personifies a rainbow that connects the heaven and earth. In France, it became the symbol of royalty while in Egypt, garland of irises were seen gracing the Sphinx's brow. In Christianity, the iris flowers signify the divine message and suffering as seen in the ancient paintings of the Virgin Mary and the archangel Gabriel . In Japan, the iris is called ayame and is considered the flower of May. Presently, the iris is the state flower of Tennessee, and the Fleur-de-lis is the emblem for the city of New Orleans.

Arts And Entertainment

In the tattoo imagery, the purple iris is the most commonly used kind and is said to symbolizes faith, hope, wisdom, courage, and admiration. It can be seen tattooed on the arm, shoulder blade, leg, thighs, rib and foot. However, iris tattoo is a very versatile and adaptable design and it would look gorgeous and sexy no matter which part of the body they are inked.

Iris Tattoos - Sexy Flower Tattoo Design For Women
Iris Tattoos - Sexy Flower Tattoo Design For Women

For more photos and inspiration for your Iris Tattoos, check out the Flower Tattoo Designs.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Meaning of the Spider Tattoo

For the most part of documented past centuries, human beings have embossed tattoos on their bodies for a foray of reasons ranging from magical protection, relieving pain, vengeance to declaring victory against a foe. Historical analysis credits tattoos to have been created to display beauty, valor, group solidarity, religious belief, shock and personal independence. Recent research has indicated that over 60% of the North American youths aged between 18 to 30 years old have at least a single tattoo on their body.

Among the most popular tattoo designs in the world, the spider tattoo is a symbol crossing over numerous tattoo genres. The spider tattoo is believed to have originated from one indigenous tribe of Malaysia. It is therefore strongly featured by most tribal tattoos of various indigenous tribes around the world. Very few cultures fail to have tales about spiders constituted in their mythologies, maybe because spiders inhabit almost all corners of the globe. Struggle in the web of life's intricacies is basically what a spider tattoo symbolizes.

Arts And Entertainment

In some tribes, the spider tattoos represents incarcerated capture while the different strands making up the web implies a metaphor symbolizing bars. In the Western countries, these bars are associated with crime, which depicts how long one has stayed behind prison walls. The tattoo is a symbol of a struggling generation; a struggle with drugs, struggle against the political system, while some people are always struggling against the oddity of life. And so no matter how long and much your struggle is, you find yourself entangled in the web of life. Thus from a Nazi want to-be with a spider tattoo on his cheek to a Latino on the street with the same feature on his neck, it basically draws to the same meaning, the spider tattoo is not an entity belonging to any specific group but to all whom the tentacles of life holds in the sublimes of a web.

The Meaning of the Spider Tattoo

Some bikers see the spider tattoo as a representation of fate, where the eventual web emanating from the activities of a spider shows how everyday we are tangled in the web of destiny. In short, this means being caught in a myriad of situations that one cannot contain, as life surely is.

The spider tattoo has been associated with a lot of things in the world today. For some, thee tattoo can only be a representation of the time you spent behind bars in prison, while others perceive it as a person whose web of life crossed path with the KKK. The same tattoo on the elbow would occur as implying a skinhead who have issues with his environment, a derelict and an anti-everything person; anti racist, anti gay, as well as a rubber stamp of a skinhead in prison behind the shadow of death on death row, murder depicted on the forehead. For other type of societal menace, it's just a reminder to them and others that they had the pleasure of serving a sentence for a specific number of years. It would not be a surprise if the spider tattoos does not fall short of depicting the number of people whom one has given an express ticket to the labyrinth of death.

For centuries, the spiders tattoo has drawn connotations from popular cultures, mythologies with a dose of symbolism being the outcome. That's is reason why today lots of spider tattoo fanatics have these inscriptions derived from the imagery of the day, such as the character Shelob from the depth of the movie the lord of the rings and the spider man movie and comic literature, giving them such a macho tattoo and a better representation of their personal belief. A rebellious Belief seen in the traits of a spider, a symbol of patience due to the hunting technique it uses and the way it waits for its prey after setting up a web, and also a dose of malice and mischief from its poison and fatal venom. These traits are adopted by many in the face of spider tattoos as their spirits rise up against the institutions of the day. That's why the adage of the spider tattoos will forever be span in every era within the web of life.

The Meaning of the Spider Tattoo

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Famous People From Spain

Spain is one of those countries that played a huge role in shaping the world's history. It is one of the most powerful nations during the middle Ages, owing largely to the number of explorations and discoveries that its people have made in the New World and beyond. But more than the cultural and religious influences that this country has spread to the world, it has given birth to notable personalities that are widely known in practically every part of the globe. Here are some of the most famous people in Spain from the past to the present.

Juan Sebastian Elcano

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Elcano was an explorer and sailor who is known for being the first man to complete a circumnavigation of the world. He was part of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition to the Philippines. However, after his group was defeated in the Battle of Mactan which also led to Magellan's death, Elcano was forced to retreat, taking what remained of the fleet back to Spain. In the end, only the ship Victoria with only 17 survivors of the 240-man expedition along with 4 Timorese Asians managed to get to Spain, thereby completing a voyage around the world

Famous People From Spain

Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes is another one of the most famous people from Spain. He is well known for creating the literary classic Don Quixote. This novel is considered the most influential literary masterpiece that emerged from the Golden Age of Spain and from its entire literary canon at that. It is one of the foundations of modern Western literature and is one of the greatest works of fiction ever published.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a celebrated painter and sculptor, widely recognized for his 20th century art masterpieces. He is known as one of the founders of the Cubist movement and for a number of styles under this genre that are embodied in this works. A lot of people recognize his works even from afar. Some of his more notable Cubist works include the Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and the Guernica. He became one of the most famous people from Spain as practically every art class in the world has covered at least one or two of his works. Most of today's art genres are based on the styles that he has developed.

Famous people from Spain in the present times

But aside from the hundreds of notable Spanish people in world history, there are the contemporary Spaniards who have made their own mark in the modern times. Singers, artists, and other personalities of Spanish decent have become household names over the years. Who wouldn't recognize the name Antonio Banderas who starred in a number of high-profile Hollywood films? His movies, Interview with the Vampire, the Mask of Zorro and even his character as the voice of Puss in Boots in the Shrek trilogies will forever be remembered by viewers all over the world.

Then there is Enrique Iglesias, singer and songwriter, who to this day holds the record for producing the most number of Spanish-language singles that made their way to the Billboard's Hot Latin Tracks. When it comes to contemporary Latino music, Iglesias is probably one of the most famous people in Spain and the rest of the world.

Famous People From Spain

Craig Edmonds is the owner of which is one of the oldest Marbella portals containing information about leisure, family life and business. Craig has been a resident in Marbella since 1999 and lives here with his family. He runs Marbella Guide as well as several other thriving internet businesses.

On Marbella Guide you can find every kind of information related to Marbella property, news, latest events, relocation information, weather, cinema listings and a whole lot plus more. Also to know about more such Famous People from Spain, Marbellaguide will help you.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Famous Blues Singers - Legends of the Blues

Perhaps the best know blues singer in all the universe is B.B. King, who has been satisfying audiences worldwide with his vast talents on his famous guitar "Lucille" to accompany his soulful voice for more than half a century. B.B. King is also perhaps the most influential of all famous blues singers and all that have followed have taken a bit from this multi-talented yet humble superstar.

The seeds of his talents were sown early in the blues rich delta of Mississippi where he was raised. Life was by no means easy for him as a young man. He was continuosly shuttled back and forth between his mother's and grandmother's homes where he spent many long hours working hard as a sharecropper and just as many hours praising the lord in church, as he belted out gospel songs and honed the skills that would later be enjoyed by millions worldwide.

Arts And Entertainment

Jimmy Rushing has been called the greatest of all big-band blues singers and many of today's blues standards are credited to his writing skills, such as "Good Morning Blues", "Goin' to Chicago", "Boogie Woogie" and many others. The song "Mr. Five-by-Five" was penned in his honor and is said to describe him as being five feet tall and five feet wide.

Famous Blues Singers - Legends of the Blues

Marlena Shaw was born in 1942 in New York and given the birth name Marlina Burgess. She was influenced by her uncle and grandmother early in life who exposed her to gospel music early on and helped to develop her love for music and her seductive and sultry sound.

At the tender age of ten she made her debut before a live audience at the world famous Apollo Theater in Harlem, where she performed with her uncle. She was such a big hit they were invited to perform again the following week. As it turned out her uncle had double-booked the night and the pre-teen went on to perform solo before a stunned and very pleased audience.

Her big break came when she was invited to preform with the Count Basie Orchestra and as they say the rest is history. It is easy to understand the attraction to her versatile style and her smooth as satin vocals. Marlena is still performing today and her voice is still as sweet, seductive and sultry as ever.

Born in Mississippi in 1934 Otis Rush is a well known blues singer and guitarist. His style is unique and distinctive with a slow burning style and the long bent notes he made his own. His style of blues became known as West Side Chicago style and has proven to be an influence on such singers as Eric Clapton, Luther Allison and Magic Sam among others.

Other famous blues singers include but are not limited to:

Bill "Hoss" Allen
Ralph Bass
Chuck Berry
Blind Blake
Big Bill Broonzy
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
Ray Charles
James Cotton
Arthur Crudup
Magic Sam
Robert Lee McCollum
Fred McDowell
Brownie McGhee
Lillian McMurry
Jay McShann
Blind Willie McTell
Jimi Hendrix

Famous Blues Singers - Legends of the Blues

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about famous blues singers [], please visit The Jazz Blues [] for current articles and discussions.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Interview with Sammy Shu, Author of "There's a Season for All"

Sammy Shu resides in Denver, Colorado with her family. In 1992 she finished her first children’s book, and quickly discovered a love of the genre and has been weaving her fantasies ever since. Sammy writes four hours a day and spends her time dedicated to the whimsies of childhood. She hopes to bring smiles to the faces of children all over the world and her stories are a testament to this. Fairies, dragons, mermaids, centaurs and creatures yet to be discovered are but a few of the fabulous topics of her wonderful books. Sammy has written nine children’s books with more planned for the future.

Juanita: Welcome to Reader Views Sammy, and thanks for the opportunity to talk with you about your wonderful new children’s book “There’s a Season for All.” Sammy, have you always been a writer? Why did you begin writing children’s books?

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Sammy: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember being able to hold a pencil. My first stories were related to role-playing. You learn about character development, Finding a reason for things and developing storylines. It’s a great fun way to relax and stretch your imagination muscles. As I grew older I stopped gaming and began really pursuing more fairytale themes in my work. My love of children’s book arrived with my children watching their faces light up as I tell them a story makes a challenging day melt away. That’s good stuff.

Interview with Sammy Shu, Author of "There's a Season for All"

Juanita: What is the age range of “There’s a Season for All”? Is this the same for all of your books?

Sammy: This book is for young readers, ages 5 - 9. My next book is for young adults and the ones coming next year are again for the younger reader.

Juanita: Is there anything specific to the 5 - 9 year age group that you keep in mind when writing?

Sammy: I try to remember how amazingly intelligent children are today. I never dumb it down. I use big words and situations that I know they deal with. I want to relate to these children. My writing has a purpose, a goal, and that’s an important factor to my work. I want to create an emotional response, make them think. So far the response has been great.

Juanita: What happens in “There’s a Season for All”?

Sammy: Four fairies sisters inherit the running of Tweenland. They have many responsibilities and soon discover that things are far more difficult than they thought. Running a kingdom is demanding. Soon they are fighting and causing problems for the people. I think this is something that happens with siblings, they fight, they work it out and in the end they remain loving and considerate. This is what happens in the book. But I don’t want to give away how that happens. The ending is pretty cool.

Juanita: Would you tell us about Tweenland, and its metaphoric message?

Sammy: I wanted a land that represented real life situations while remaining true to a child’s fabulous imagination. This is the place in be Tween.

Juanita: What inspired this highly creative storyline?

Sammy: I have daughters and of course they love all things fairy tale. Seasons are very important to me. I grew up in Florida where there really weren’t many changes, that part was inspired by Colorado and all of its beauty and variety. Sometimes I forget that I came from a place that didn’t have that. It’s so beautiful here and I draw a lot of my inspiration from that. all of the rest comes from the children. They’re so open and so fascinated by it all. I remember that and I miss the innocence. I’m inspired to keep that alive.

Juanita: The four fairy sisters in this story represent the four seasons, who struggle to assert their power. This really is a fascinating way to connect children with the environment, while teaching personal responsibility and working with others. Would you elaborate on these characters - the four fairy sisters, and the magic they hold in this story?

Sammy: The great thing about this story for me is each character represents a child in my life so they are all very special to me. They have such power to control their own environment and you can see how competent and successful they are by the end of the story. Girls need to know that they are powerful and capable I love that my girls feel that and I hope this book can put those ideas out there for other girls.

Juanita: What is the take home message in “There’s a Season for All”?

Sammy: Every person has something to offer in the big picture. We’re all so different and if we could just learn to work together we could achieve anything.

Juanita: Sammy, have you always been interested in fairy tales and mystical themes?

Sammy: Yes, as a child I wrote about magical bunnies and a land where you could sip chocolate milk from streams. I also played some role-playing games. I love fantastic themes. It’s so wonderful to be able to write about the places in my dreams and know that I can share that with the world.

Juanita: Even in this modern-day, why do you think fairies, dragons, mermaids, and elfin creatures provide such timeless fascination for children?

Sammy: It’s the belief that magic is real. I think as children are growing they are frustrated by their lack of control on their lives. In fairy tales they can use their imagination to create situations that they enjoy and have some control over.

Juanita: I know that imagination is a significant theme in your books, as well as in your personal and professional life. Would you comment on your desire to spark children’s imagination as well as inspiring your own?

Sammy: Life can be so demanding. We all need a place to go and recharge our batteries. The imagination is abundant and you can make it anything you want. For me it’s writing and my hope for the children is that they enjoy my stories, come away feeling refreshed and ready to take on all of life’s challenges.

Juanita: Sammy, would you tell us about Carl Cone, the illustrator for “There’s a Season for All,” as well as the collaboration process?

Sammy: Carl is my best friend. We’ve worked together for years and I’m sure we will continue to do so. He’s amazing. All of my work comes to life because of his astounding talent. I give him a story and he usually shows me sketches. We talk about possibilities and then he’s off and running. He’s always right on with his great ideas. I’m lucky to have such talent surrounding me. He has a site for people in need of an artist in different mediums. It is

Juanita: Are you working on any other books/projects at this time?

Sammy:“The Legend of the Vampire Fairies” is the next book coming out. It’s a darker fairy tale for teens and young adults. The art is primarily my photography with some sketches and detail work by Carl. We’re very excited about it. I’ve also written several books that are about the Land of Imagination (where the fairy queen goes to rest in the first book) in that book the main character is a centaur boy learning the responsibilities of adulthood. Both project hold a special place in my heart and I cant wait to share them.
They will all be coming out as soon as the art is done.

Juanita: How can readers find out about you and your books?

Sammy: You can buy my books at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Tattered Cover, any retail store should have them or be able to get them. My web site is [] .

I also have several other sites that are linked to that one. If you go to you can put in Vampire Fairies and watch a book trailer of my upcoming book.

Juanita: Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us today Sammy. We encourage readers to look for “There’s a Season for All” at local and online bookstores, as well as stay posted to your website for future releases. Before we depart, do you have any final thoughts for your readers?

Sammy: I’d like to mention that a portion of the proceeds of my book sales go to a foundation I started called AFFECT (artists function for enhancing children’s tomorrow) The purpose of the foundation is to give children in need the opportunities that the rest of them have, Good books, entertainment, Art. We go to children’s homes and hospitals we read to them, do short skits, teach them fun safe choreographed combat techniques. Drawing classes, and anything else our members are willing to provide. We are always looking for people who are willing to donate their talents for the lost children of this world; hopefully through my writing I can make a difference. Thank you for this opportunity to get my message to more people.

To find out more about our cause go to and keep reading!

Interview with Sammy Shu, Author of "There's a Season for All"

Today, Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views talks with author Sammy Shu, about her new children’s book “There’s a Season for All.”

Interview with Sammy Shu

author of There's a Season for All

Silver Rose Publishing (2006)

ISBN 9780977821105

Reviewed by Brianne Plach (age 9) for Reader Views (4/07)

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Feminine Tattoos - A Delicate and Beautiful Art

Tattoos were often considered to be the stuff of macho bikers that wanted to show that they can stand all that pain. Today tattoos have become part of mainstream culture and are being used by people who wish to show their appreciation for art and beauty. During the early days of this change the art of tattooing was more or less confined to men. It is only in recent that more and more women are going in for tattoos. This is because of a vast change in social perception where women tattoos are no longer frowned upon. There are several celebrities that have got tattoos and this has increased popular appeal for this form of art and also increased the social acceptance of tattoos on women. Because of this there are now new designs that specially appeal to feminine tastes.

Feminine tattoos are generally smaller and far prettier than those for men. Whereas male tattoos often include animals, logos, and other intimidating symbols tattoos for women feature flowers, butterflies, fairies, and similar concepts that represent delicacy and beauty. Tattoos for women feature thinner lines with more delicate coloring. They are not as aggressive in appearance as male tattoos. However, even this trend is undergoing a change because the increasing popularity of female tattoos has resulted in some women going in for heavy tattoos of the sort preferred by men.

Arts And Entertainment

Tattoo artists are now reporting that their largest clientele is made of women. They also state that women are better than men when it comes to the application of tattoos. For women, the design of tattoos is as important as the placement. Women spend far too much time comparing and selecting designs based on the body part where they intend to apply it. Though women are increasingly going in for heavier design elements their focus still remains on the sophisticated and the beautiful.

Feminine Tattoos - A Delicate and Beautiful Art

Two areas are generally preferred by women and these are the lower back and the tail bone areas. The lower back area is quite tantalizing and a sensitive spot for a woman to have a tattoo on. It is visible only in glimpses and like all things that are doled out in rare flashes this increases its appeal. Most of the designs for the lower back area tend to follow a V shape in order to accentuate the figure of the female form. Some of the most commonly used designs for this area include butterflies, angels, lions, hearts, insect wings, serpents, and several sorts of flowers. Nearly all designs are elaborated with wings or tendrils for a more balanced look. The lotus flower is supposed to represent the past, present, and the future. Flowers and animals are representative of femininity and fertility. Serpents and dragons are hints of trouble. The eagle represents courage and determination.

Another preferred area is the foot or ankle. These tattoos represent purity and simplicity. Professional and career minded women usually prefer foot or ankle tattoos because they are highly personal and not overbearing in any way.

Feminine Tattoos - A Delicate and Beautiful Art

For feminine tattoo ideas [], please visit : Tattoo Ideas []

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Let me wish you many more happy and bright days
I wish to be guided by you in my own ways
Will you hold me forever and take to the end
Many best wishes of the day for you to be sent

What a beautiful wishes to offer in a particular way?
Wishing many many happy returns of the day
Has it not become customary to wish bright sun in cloudy atmosphere?
Do we wish it as mere formality or simple necessity is there?

Arts And Entertainment

These were the simple questions hounding me as an individual
I never thought I was playing dubious role which seemed not real
I found convincing answer for wishing a beautiful and real friend
Lot many good wishes with rose petals to send

Birthday Wishes

What am I and what brings me to you? I asked to friend
"Why it happens to me"if I take it as true?
I always think of taking your care
No matter how far and where you are

You were so nice and kind
I consider myself lucky to find
You are like precious gem
I wish to keep you in mind with frame

I may not use polished language
It may not be proper or appropriate
I shall cherish the long memory of school days
We might have not carried along and parted ways

You are like towering strength
For you I may go to any length
I might look little different
Love may be seen as true and apparent

Rose may have its own fragrance
Friendship has got its own elegance
I always towards sky and glance
Think of meeting you by chance

It might not become possible to see you in person
I think I might have to wait for coming good season
Rain may drop from clouds in usual manner
Tears may role out from eyes later or sooner

We may not wishing a person for no reason
Birthday brings good opportunity for liaison
It is meeting of mind with intense feelings
Intense hatred too may melt without concealing

It may pave the way for happy occasion
Two hearts may unite if taken proper decision
It is of course unique way of dealing
Wounds may dry up with careful healing

Wish from the heart if you happen to garland
Embrace with deep love if she is your girlfriend
Gender may not bar you from exchanging messages
It has all kind off warmth without feelings of ages

Birthday Wishes

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