Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Party Entertainment Ideas

Party Entertainment comes in many forms and is the primary method of keeping guests involved in your party. You don't want them to become bored, then the party is memorable in a bad way. Games are very popular ways to keep those of all ages entertained. The type of game will usually vary depending on the guests at your party. If you are throwing a party for children you can set up games like 'Red Light, Green Light' or 'Simon Says.' Family oriented parties can include Football or board games for everyone. While adult parties may have gambling games, like Poker.

Music is another form of party entertainment. It's fun and energizing or slow and relaxing, you can influence the moods of your guests depending on what kind of music you play and when. If you want the party to get started play something with a fast tempo and a strong beat. If its late and you want to get everyone calmed down and out of the house so you can clean up start playing slow music. They'll either calm down or get bored and leave. Remember to play music that's appropriate to the audience, kids' songs are better for children's parties and adult songs are better for adults. If you've got a party for those in-between check the lyrics for inappropriate content before playing the music.

Arts And Entertainment

Lastly you can hire some entertainment for your party. There are bands, clowns, magicians, and petting zoos to name a few activities. Hired entertainment is a great way to help keep the overall theme of your party consistent. If your party is on Halloween, hire someone to do card readings. Or if you're doing an elaborate mystery party you can turn it into a murder mystery by hiring some actors to enact a small drama and mingle with the guests.

Party Entertainment Ideas
Party Entertainment Ideas

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free Party Games to help complete your event.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wood Burning Crafts - Art and Hobby

Perhaps you, like many other people, have recently become interested in woodcrafts. Woodworkers have many activities which they can pursue - furniture and toy making being two examples. Although enjoyable, most woodshops require a lot of room, plus a fairly large investment in tools. One woodcraft hobby which requires little space, and only a modest investment in tools is wood burning. Although it would be helpful to have a designated area to work and store tools, this space need not be large. Indeed a small sturdy table would be sufficient for most projects.

Wood burning as an art is easy to learn! Start up needs are minimal - a wood burning pen with interchangeable points, patterns, graphite paper, sandpaper, and wood sealer. Most of the other materials you need are common household items. Walnut Hollow Farm's wood burning pens are the best choice. Two basic pens are available - twenty one watt and twenty six watt. The twenty six watt is for all types of wood, especially the harder ones. The twenty one watt is the ideal beginner's pen. It's best used on softer woods.

Arts And Entertainment

Burning techniques differ depending on the point used. The key is to start with a simple pattern and learn how to use the many different points before progressing on to intermediate and advanced designs. A very good series of books for the beginning wood burner is from Walnut Hollow Farm. Creative Woodburning Book One contains all the easy to learn basics, plus many patterns to get you started. The rest of the series contains more patterns and techniques in many different styles.

Wood Burning Crafts - Art and Hobby

The best wood to start on is basswood because it burns easily. Many types of basswood are available, including ovals, rounds, planks, and barrel staves. Neat wooden boxes in many different styles can also make good projects. The wood surface to be burned must be very smooth for best results. Sand the wood to as fine a finish as possible with a very fine grade of sandpaper.

The pattern is transferred to the wood surface using either graphite or white transfer paper. Use graphite paper on light wood and white transfer paper on dark wood. The pattern and transfer paper are taped to the wood with masking tape and a fine point ball-point pen is used to trace the design on to the wood.

As mentioned earlier, there are many different techniques of burning and several woodburning tips to use with the pen to get different effects. In addition, the burnings can be colored with oil colored pencils, and oil paint wash. The combination of wood grain, woodburning technique, and oil paints creates some stunningly beautiful art.

The list of wood burning craft projects which can be burned is limitless. Burn designs on jewelry boxes, ring boxes, cutlery boxes, clocks, and furniture. Burn woodcarvings to lend a unique touch to your woodcraft projects. Wall hangings and picture frames are also good candidates for wood burning. Take your wood art to any level you desire! It is a very enjoyable hobby.

Wood Burning Crafts - Art and Hobby

Paul Wonning is the owner of THC Toys, Hobbies and Crafts.com [http://www.thc-toys-hobbies-crafts.com]

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Designing Sustainable Heating Systems For Condominiums

Given the fact that the cost of energy will continue to consume a significant portion of their operating costs, has not the time arrived to begin devising some new ways of designing and controlling the heating and cooling systems going into condominium buildings? A good starting point would be to start designing a common system to serve the entire building instead of individual plants for every living unit. Clearly, the capital reserve study for the condominium association would need to address the new concept.

The townhouse configuration offers a good example. Here the design approach has been to consider each unit as a small home - five units, five home heating systems. You might argue that, given our preference for independence, each homeowner should have an inalienable right to control the destiny of his or her individual comfort level. But if the future unit owner had been in on the building design phase and were told that an engineered common heating system feeding all units could provide that degree of comfort at reduced future energy costs and at little to no increase in purchase price, I think we know which way the vote would go.

It's commonly understood that boilers operate most efficiently when running at full capacity. Suppose we had a single, high-efficiency, condensing type boiler properly maintained to run at about ninety-five percent efficiency. We're going to allow that common boiler to run at its rated capacity, supplying hot water to each unit's radiation for the ninety of the time when it is capable of meeting the common demand. We will meter the amount of heating water supplied to each unit for billing purposes. Each individual unit would also have a small boiler riding on the common system. It will fire up to modulate the temperature in the individual units only when we have an extreme cold snap, thereby satisfying the different inalienable opinions of comfort of different owners.

An alternative might be a second common boiler that fires up to meet infrequent higher demands. The result would be reduced heating energy costs for our newly defined client - the development, and ultimately each unit owner. An astute developer might consider all this a marketing plus. But of course, he or she would need to intentionally steer the design in this direction. But before people are motivated to even begin thinking along these lines they need some data that sets at least some general feasibility parameters.

What are the comparative costs of individual heating systems versus common systems in specific building configurations? What reductions in operating costs can be expected and what would the rate of return on investment be? How much would it cost to retrofit an existing building? Could the latter cost be factored into a capital reserve fund plan as an improvement? The hardware is on the shelf. Some work needs to be done in system design and (here comes the hard part) selling management.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6953868